(09-04-2022, 01:11 PM)Pipo12 Wrote: First of all I'd like to apologize for my crappy english, it isn't my native language and although I studied it in the school years ago I must admit I was a pathetic student and I'm totally against translators because they sound very artificial so I'm typing this by my own without any help.
Secondly I'd like to say what's the most important for me: THANKS @Xanashi and all people behind this program/utility/project, it's an incredible and useful tool for media consumer users like me. You guys are amazing!
Ok, that being said I'd like to ask what's the difference between the installer and portable version and its maintenance. I already know the main differences between portable and installed versions of common programs i.e. 7ZIP, Calibre, Transmission... But I cannot see the difference with Icaros. Why am I asking this? Because today I did a fresh and clean install of W11 Home and my aim is to keep it as aseptic and immutable as possible. I'm a super basic user and I just need 7-8 programs at most for my computer usage (I got rid of all W11 bloatware) so I'm trying to get all of them in their respective portable versions to keep the Windows registry and folders/archive as clean as possible so I'm considering installing Icaros on its portable version. What are the pros/cons if I do so?
Thanks for your time and help.
Best regards.
Hello there - So, obviously, I don't have anything to do with the development of this WONDERFUL APP !!! However, I've been using it for years now. Windows thumbnailing is such a glitchy service, I rely on Icaros to get the job done, and much quicker to. First of, my suggestion, because of what a great tool Icaros, if you are depend on reliably seeing thumbnails for your files,and even more file types than Windows can process, just go ahead and install Icaros as an app in your standard suite. Activate it, be sure to turn on the cache and set it to dynamic. Then, inside Icaros, use the "Clear windows Thumbnail Cache" - that way Icaros will be first in line to rebuild the thumbnails and be put into it's own cache - anything it doesn't process will be caught by the windows thumbnails, if it can. This is such a light utility, and very easy to uninstall and clear from your system it's not a problem. Besides to get the best use out of Icaros (eg, using the Icaros Cache) I don't believe going the portable route is the best plan. Best plan, do the full install and turn on Thumbnails, properties, or both and use the dynamic cache.
I'll take a crack at answering the portable vs Install question. And Xanashi can correct whatever I get wrong - which, could be everything I say here... ;-) So, basically, when you download and unzip the portable version - you can put the contents of the zip file on a single thumb drive, and execute the Icaros main EXE file and the program will run as if it's been installed. All the additional support files necessary to run the program needed to run the program are made available - so, it will not error out, or give you "missing .dll error messages". So, I believe that is pretty much the same definition of what other portable apps would be, correct ? With that said, I believe that's the only real difference between the 2 versions. To be honest, I'm not sure why someone would really want to use the portable version. The only scenario that I could logically come up with is.. if.. say someone needed to see thumbnails for a file type not supported in Windows. But they need to see the thumbnails for a short time and then never again. Then, what they could do is just run Icaros portable turn on thumbnailing and choose the set of files they wanted the thumbnails for. Icaros would generate the thumbnails, which the user would be able to see and use, and then when they were done, just could just simple close Icaros. No trace of those thumbnails, or a fingerprint of Icaros ever being run would be left behind. Also, those file types would no longer display the thumbnail, they'd all be unsupported again and the default Windows icon would be displayed again. I'm sure there are other reasons for choosing the portable version, I'm just not sure what they would be.
Why choose to install Icaros rather than use the portable? Well, it would be to get the biggest benefit from this tool. Which means if you want much faster, more reliable, and more supported file types that can be thumbnailed - then you want to install Icaros. So, here is my understanding of the overall workflow in Icaros (may vary slightly from the "real" workflow... ). When you install Icaros and activate the cache, your system will now use both Icaros and Windows service to do thumbnails. How is that done ? Let's say you open a directory, where you expect to see a bunch of thumbnails for various file types. If Windows already has a thumbnail for a file, then that thumbnail is used. If there isn't a thumbnail available in Windows, then it's kicked to Icaros to see if it has a cached thumbnail. If there isn't one, then it will try to generate one. If one is generated, then that thumbnail is stored in it's cache and that thumbnail is displayed. Now, let's say you close that directory, and then reopen it again. That thumbnail that was just generated by Icaros, it will be displayed much quicker and it will be pulled from the Icaros cache. That second time happens extra fast, because no thumbnail generation is necessary. All that is needed is for it to be pulled from the Icaros cache and displayed. This benefit of this rapid recall of the thumbnails, obviously, becomes multiplied and much more noticeable as the number of files you have increases - especially those where the Icaro's cache thumbnails are already stored and used. Also, when you have the Icaros Cache set on Dynamic, and Icaros is INSTALLED (not the portable version), especially after the first time its installed, Icaros will build up it's cache "on the fly" and that's done as new directories are opened (and new thumbnails need to be generated). For example, you open up a directory with a 1,000 videos in it. Assume you have not opened this directory at all before. That means that there will be no thumbnails for any of these in the windows cache, so Icaros will began building up the 1,000 thumbnails for those video files, each of which will not only be displayed, but will be stored in Icaros for quick retrieval next time. You will notice the Icaros benefit by comparing the first time opening a directory, to any time after that when you open that same directory. The first time, the thumbnails will appear, kind of chugging along one at a time, as Icaros processes them and updates its cache. As it finishes processing those files' thumbnails, and you close the windows explorer for that directory, and then reopen it, the thumbnails will display almost instantly - because the thumbnails are being pulled from the Icaros cache.
Hopefully that explains the pros/cons of installing Icaros vs. using the portable version. Using the portable version, you don't take advantage of the Icaros caching AND once you stop the Icaros portable - any of the thumbnails ONLY supported by Icaros and not in windows - will no longer be displayed - those files will just display the regular default windows icon. I also hope that I've convinced you to install Icaros - trust me, you'll never look back ! ;-) Like I said, I can't guarantee my explanation here is 100% correct, but ... I think, at least, it's in the right direction!
Oh...2 last points: 1) you're right, @Xanashi is AMAZING - this tool is fantastic, and their support is great to. I can honestly say, I don't think I've ever seen a request for enhancement or some additional file type to be supported ever refused !! And I don't think there's a "team" behind this either... I think it's just one SUPER HUMAN BEING ! LOL... Since I can almost say with a 100% confidence that you will be using this tool for YEARS to come (not kidding - it's been a must have on my PC for at least 4 years now) - I'd encourage you to donate whatever you can when you can. Obviously your call, but I think you'll agree that this tool is worth something for sure. 2) Regarding your English.... you embarrass me!!! I'm an American, born an American, and English is my only language. Your English.... IS PRACTICALLY BETTER THAN MINE !!!! If English was one of your bad subjects in school, then.. Geez, I wonder what you can do in your good subjects ! Seriously... forget a translator.... you absolutely DO NOT need it !!
I don't get back on the forum here very often, but I will try to remember to check back here in the next week or so. Post back, let me know if this helped clarify things and if this brought up other questions - I'll see if I can answer them or if someone else might be able to.
Alright, hope this helps.. Cheers !!
Matt R.
(PS, I should apologize for my English. I'd normally proofread this several times before posting, but it's getting late, and I'm off to bed - so, please forgive. ;-)